About us
CAPITAL MEDIA was founded in 2001. as a multi-disciplinary consulting firm offering expertise and assistance to clients in areas of business consulting, accounting, Tax and finance. Our flexible B2B organization represents a response to the ever-changing economic environment.
The company is 100% privately owned, represents a team of legal and economic experts with various scopes of activities, and maintains a constant of economic and organizational growth on stabile and real grounds. CEO and founder is Damir Cvitešić.
Our clients are small and medium sized businesses, companies and/or individuals aspiring towards achieving better lives for themselves and their family, their business and their employees.
– Take responsibility for their actions
– Are honest, ethical and work hard
– Are open to change and positive in their approach and attitude
– Want to make a difference
– Recognize that we are important in helping them make that difference
– Are open and honest in sharing problems, issues , ideas and in finding solutions
– Realize the importance of constant improvement
– Have an idea of where they want to be
– Appreciate and value what we do
Accessibility – as their accountant and business advisor we are always very accessible to our clients
Responsiveness – our clients see that we are outcome focused problem solvers
Accountability – a reliable mutual commitment to achieving our client’s goals
Understanding – we understand our client’s business and their goals
Pro-activity – we go to our clients with ideas and suggestions
This relationship with our clients is achieved by understanding each client’s needs and delivering agreed outcomes.
Through the years the company has earned a reputation for creative problem solving, market insight and active collaboration with our clients.
With its clear orientation towards the European Union, Croatia has in recent years made substantial progress in approaching the investment environment of European accession countries. Trade relations are expected to develop positively in the near future, and many multinational business organizations are profiting from the attractive investment climate in the current market conditions.
Capital Media has assisted investors since 1995 with privatization, investments, production and trade projects throughout the Croatia mainland and on the Adriatic coast, mainly in the areas of business process outsourcing, legal and audit services, tax advisory, accounting, brokering, financing, conception …. in Croatia and Alpe – Adria region.
To act directly (B2B) as a one-stop-shop interdisciplinary service for small and medium-sized enterprises, providing the entrepreneur with the opportunity to focus on his / her economic activity, using our assistance through: business consulting in organization and management, professional services in the field of legal , economic, accounting, tax, technical-technological, marketing and other consulting, market-related, representation and / or mediation.
Become a recognizable and distinguished factor in making business decisions, the inevitable part of entrepreneurial infrastructure in consulting, business planning and investment investment, evaluation of results (creditworthiness, value), providing a continuous out-source project, management and accounting service in the Alpe-Adria region which is the main provider of project investments for a significant segment of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia with the highest possible internationally recognized certification of the company as well as responsible persons.
Capital media has earned a reputation for creative problem solving, market insight and active collaboration with our clients. Our concept was born from three core beliefs that have guided our careers to date:
Our clients deserve our best efforts, our commitment and our creative enthusiasm.
We do not gossip or complain about our clients. We tell our clients early on if we don’t know or understand something. We learn best when we listen. We are as honest as we know how with our clients but we also understand the value of diplomacy and discretion.
There is no such thing as ‘good enough’, our work product is what we leave behind as our permanent record for each assignment.
Our work product is what we leave behind, the permanent record for each assignment. There is no such thing as “good enough” for us. Every piece of work we produce we strive to make as well written, as accurate and as visually pleasing as we know how.
We believe business is a ‘sustained human effort’, not a game, strategic campaign or ‘us vs. them’
Our professional colleagues deserve our respect, our loyalty, our help and our friendship. We believe in rewarding those who think creatively, take risks, maintain perspective and exhibit decency. Profitability is an important thing but it is not the only thing. Business success, we believe, is built on survival, reputation and a not taking ourselves too seriously.
The Company may offer a series of references from each area of the registered activity, and often with some permanent clients intertwine all forms of business co-operation that Capital Media d.o.o. has the offer.
The total number of our clients exceeds five hundred, while the number of projects (new investments made, realized financing, establishment or restructuring of companies etc.) is now significantly higher than 400.
The Company operates in the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia and abroad, especially in the neighboring EU countries (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece) and the former Yugoslavia (BiH, Montenegro, Macedonia).