

Business improvement of Capital Media d.o.o. through working in the cloud


EU fondoviEU fondovi


Project title: Business improvement of Capital Media d.o.o. through working in the cloud


Project code: KK.


Short description of the project:
Through accelerating the work of company employees and planning their working hours, by improving
business process human resource management, the time required for a standard service
the company’s offers have decreased by 20% and the time is being repurposed for another job, which is positive
reflects on the business of the enterprise.
The software solution that the company procured refers to an accounting program that offers an option
remote accounting, through the “cloud”, which is a necessary improvement for the company
which allows him to take over jobs throughout the Republic of Croatia, but also outside its borders, because for
providing services to clients it is no longer necessary to use documentation in physical form but it can
be taken from the “cloud”, in electronic form, which is a key prerequisite for contracting jobs without
depending on the location of the client.
In addition to the software solution, the company procured laptops so they could use them
newly acquired advanced software, which the company needs to take on new business and strengthen
competitiveness of enterprises by implementing the proposed project
The implementation of the project has resulted in the improvement and acceleration of existing business processes thus
improve the efficiency and teaching the above, the financial results of the company. New
the system enables better financial management related to the company ‘s affairs and we are in
opportunities to better plan expenses for your clients.


Total eligible project costs: HRK 143,500.00


EU aid amount: HRK 93,131.50


Project implementation period: 01/01 / 2020- 01/07/2021


Contact person: Martina Ilijana Horvat, horvat@capital-media.hr


More information at: https://www.strukturnifondovi.hr/


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

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